Veganuary breaks records. Hundreds of animals rescued!
Hey, teammate! ✊
It’s time to escape hopelessness and defeat Vegan burnout. Usually, these take around 10 minutes to read, but since there were just so many VEGAN VICTORIES this month, it could even take longer!
See what I mean by reading the most positive Vegan newsletter on the internet - your only free source for all of this month’s most positive Vegan news from around the world! 👇️
🇺🇸 All City Events Vegan by Default in Sammamish, WA, US
In a major win for non-human animals, the City of Sammamish in Washington has decided that Vegan food must be served as the default option at all its city-run events!
Just a few months ago, I reported that Hollywood, CA, did the same. Slowly but surely, the USA west coast is leading the way for how cities can stop contributing to cruel animal agriculture.
🇬🇧 UK Bans Bee-Killing Pesticide
Without the bees, so much of our “Vegan food,” would be impossible to grow outdoors. Fortunately, the EU knows this and has already banned the neonicotinoid pesticide, “Cruiser SB.”
This month, the UK banned the pesticide as well.
A huge VEGAN VICTORY for our precious pollinators!
📅 Veganuary Breaks Records and Sets Sights on China
In 2024, I reported that Veganuary celebrated 1.8 million people signing up. That year, I helped by heading to the streets and encouraged people to try it!
This year, it looks like even more activists helped. Heck, even the entire City of West Hollywood voted in favor of a resolution and proclamation to promote Veganuary to residents, staff, and businesses!
This year, in 2025, Veganuary saw a monumental 25.8 million people sign up. That’s a 1,333% gain in participants! If Veganuary were a stock we invest in, we’d be rich. Fortunately, millions of non-Human animals benefit from this growth!
And we’re not even done yet.
The Veganuary team is using this tremendous momentum to partner with The China Vegan Society to expand into China for a NEW Lunar New Year version of Veganuary: Mangchun Sanyue (茻春三月), roughly translated to Vegan Spring March, or V-March for short. That’s right, more non-Human animals will be spared from oppressors in China for the entire month of March!
Let’s go!
🏫 US Universities Double Down on Vegan Dining and Classes
Since 2011, the University of North Texas (UNT) has been operating the US’ first 100% Vegan dining hall, Mean Greens Café. Last month, they were rated #2 by Humane World for Animals’ Protein Sustainability Scorecard. This month, UNT is doubling down and committing to make 60% of its campus dining options plant-based by 2027. In Texas.
In California, Miyoko Schinner is leveraging her decades long, phenomenally Vegan expertise to teach everything plant-based at all nine University of California campuses. The course already has 55 students enrolled, and according to the Vegan Dairy Queen, they’re not all Vegan:
“Not everyone’s vegan or vegetarian either. It is an incredibly international group of students. We have students from all over the world – people from Asia, Africa, just everywhere.”
Since college campuses don’t really teach (or serve) Vegan cooking, this is a huge win for the next generation of students and for all the future non-Human animals spared as a result!
🏅 Vegans Win Michelin Stars, Gold Medals, and Grammys
Are you noticing? There were so many VEGAN VICTORIES this month that I had to group them! The abundance continues.
When I first went Vegan in 2020, there was only ONE Vegan restaurant with a Michelin Star: Seven Swans. Now, in 2025, there are FIVE, with the UK restaurant, Plates, becoming the latest (and first UK Vegan restaurant) to obtain a Michelin Star!
Winner of the 2025 Speed Skating World Cup, Kristen Santos-Griswold, a Vegan since 2018, became one of only two US short-track skaters to win Gold at all three individual distances in the history of the World Cup! The guilt must be so heavy for the losers that it slows them down, ha!
French metal band, Gojira (whose lead singer is an outspoken Vegan), has won a Grammy for Best Metal Performance for their epic act at the Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony! It was righteous. Give it a watch!
🍳 Surging Egg Prices Lead to Increases in Vegan Egg Purchases
Last month, I reported how there were very little eggs on US grocery store shelves due to increases in welfare requirements for Hens and avian-flu outbreaks. I mentioned that people may be satisfying their demand for eggs with products like the Vegan Just Egg.
This month, we have data showing that this is exactly what’s happening, and more!
Just Egg grew 5X faster this past month compared to the same period last year, 91% of Just Egg consumers are neither Vegan nor Vegetarian, and 56% of Just Egg buyers returned for a second purchase (or more), signaling a permanent shift in egg-buying habits!
Not only that, but competitors are swooping in on this opportunity, with UK Vegan egg brand, Crackd, entering into the US market this month, and so many others too!
There will be more outbreaks, but at least now there will be less people paying for them to happen. A new study revealed that shopping Vegan is cheaper, anyways!
☕ Vegans Continue to Win in Dropping the Milk Tax
Just three months ago, Starbucks dropped their Vegan milk up-charge. Then, last month, Scooter’s and Dutch Bros did the same, and I said “your move, Dunkin’.”
This month, Dunkin’ predictably dropped their Vegan milk up-charge. Now pretty much all of the US doesn’t have to pay extra for Vegan milks!
Canada gets this VEGAN VICTORY too, with Tim Hortons dropping the Vegan milk tax this month as well!
🐶 World’s 1st Cultivated Dog Food Hits UK Shelves
Three months ago, I reported that Meatly was conducting taste tests on Dogs for their cultivated Dog food products, and it went really well! In fact, it went so well that this month, Meatly launched Chick Bites, the world’s 1st cultivated Dog food that consumers can now buy.
The product combines plant-based ingredients with Meatly’s cultivated chicken, and a limited release of the product will be available at Pets at Home Brentford, in London, UK.
First our companion animals, then us!
🎪 Animals in Entertainment Spared from Further Abuse
Following requests made by over 50,000 PETA activists, the Mysterious Circus has committed to going animal-free. Not only this, but the same pressure led to AirBnB and various other companies pulling away from Camel rides around the Pyramids of Giza.
Keep up the pressure, team.
🏷️ Carbon Labels Nudge Consumers Into Choosing Plant-Based Options
A new study found that small moral judgements (nudges) highlighting a food’s carbon footprint actually do help to nudge consumers into choosing plant-based options over slaughter-based ones.
In the EU, there are nutrient scores that rate foods from A to E based on how nutritious they are, and these labels work in the same way.
Right now, “Humane Certified” labels are misleading on purpose. I have hope we’ll soon see similar (better) labeling for animal welfare too! For now, I’ll take this as a small step towards a VEGAN WORLD NOW.
🐮 Anti Dairy Ad Plays in UK Theaters
Ads are powerful, and it’s part of the reason why so many kind hearted people are tricked into thinking dairy isn’t scary.
Animal rights organization, Viva, is fighting back. For what’s said to be the first time ever, an advertisement will be putting viewers into the perspective of a mother Cow to show the reality of oppressors taking her babies away from her for her milk.
🥼 PETA Saves Rats, Mice, Pigs, and Sheep from Cruel Experimentation
After years of activist pressure from PETA, the University Of Bristol finally banned cruel forced swim tests on mice and rats, and the European Respiratory Society has committed to ending its use of live animals like Pigs and Sheep in all of its medical training programs.
The Mice and Rats are forced to swim until they “give up,” in an effort to measure “depression,” and the Pigs and Sheep are used to train up and coming medical professionals to perform bronchoscopies and thoracoscopies.
This doesn’t have to be this way, and thanks to PETA’s activist pressure, it won’t be anymore!
⛑️ 600+ Animals Rescued in Kansas, US, Malaga, ES, and Norway
Over 400 Roosters & Hens were rescued from a suspected Cockfighting operation In Kansas, US, 195 animals were rescued from a cruel, but unnamed operation in Malaga, ES, and the last Mink fur farm in Norway finally shut down.
The VEGAN VICTORIES MONTHLY just wouldn’t be as impactful without these life-saving actions.
I salute The Humane Society of Greater Kansas City, Malaga’s Civil Guard, and Norwegian animal protection organization, NOAH, for these righteous rescues!
To the 18 new subscribers added to our now 434-strong Vegan team, I’m honored you’ve given me your attention. You could have given it to the animals, and you chose to invest it with me. I take it in the highest regard.
If this month’s newsletter uplifted you, please consider sharing it with a fellow Vegan! It’s a free, 7-second, fun surprise gesture of goodwill that will make them see you as their source of Vegan inspiration. I guarantee you’ll be making their day a little more hopeful and our movement a little more positive. :)
Thank you.
Until every animal is free,
Dani ✊
P.S. Want to help create what could be a next VEGAN VICTORY? Join PETA’s action alert team. Sometimes all it takes for an organization to end their participation in these injustices is just a few texts from all of us!
I love the monthly victories! It keeps me informed and it saves me a lot of time to be able to get so much news in one place. Thank you for doing these!