No eggs, and legal animal rights for marine life!
Hey, teammate! ✊
Happy Veganuary!
Did you previously participate in Veganuary or do you know someone who has? It’s really never been easier to go and stay Vegan in today’s world, as you’ll see in this month’s second section of…
Your only free source for all of this month’s most positive Vegan news from around the world!👇️
🇪🇨 Ecuador Now Rules That Marine Ecosystems Have Rights
In 2008, Ecuador became the first country to recognize and protect the rights of “nature” at a constitutional level. What are “nature’s” rights? To exist, persist, evolve, and regenerate. Of course, these rights are often pitted against Human “rights,” which I assume include our interest in breeding animals to kill them in factory farms often separated from natural ecosystems. Fortunately, these laws also recognize the right of any person or organization to defend, protect, and enforce those rights on behalf of nature, and for payment of recovered damages to government to provide for the full restoration of nature.
Now, these same rights are being extended towards marine ecosystems! This is a big win, as there’s likely solid legal grounds for ending these factory farms both on land, and now in water. Speaking of…
🇺🇸 Washington, US, Bans Net-Pen Fish Farming
In my opinion, these Fish factory farms are orders of magnitude more disgusting than the factory farms on land. If you haven’t seen these Fish factory farms, you can here.
Then, you’ll understand how big of a VEGAN VICTORY this really is!
Millions of innocent Fish will be spared from a life of perpetual suffering.
🇺🇸 Massachusetts, US, Bans Cat Declawing
We’re gaining momentum! 70% of Veterinarians already oppose the cruel practice of literally chopping Cats’ fingers off, and many even refuse to perform it.
Last month, we saw a city in Illinois get a huge win with this same ban. This month, Massachusetts became the 3rd state in the US to pass the ban on Cat declawing! I’m hopeful that the momentum will continue and more states continue to ban the practice.
🇺🇸 Los Angeles County Mandates 2:1 Ratio of Plant-Based to Slaughter-Based Meals
In LA, the Vegans are taking over the government!
It seems like California is leading the way in their recognition of the impact of animal agriculture on climate change. They really cannot afford any more fires!
🇺🇸 Colorado & Michigan Bans Eggs from Caged Hens
I’m an abolitionist, so it’s hard for me to consider this a big VEGAN VICTORY, but it’s a win in the right direction for Chickens in Colorado and Michigan nonetheless!
Cage-free eggs means higher prices and less supply. Prices that retailers and people already can’t afford due to low-supply from constant avian-flu outbreaks. Supply so low that supermarket shelves in the egg aisle are completely empty.
People may satisfy their demand by reaching for egg alternatives like Just Egg or the classic tofu scramble!

☕ Two Largest Coffee Drive-Thru Chains Drop Vegan Milk Up-Charge
Just two months ago, Starbucks dropped their Vegan milk up-charge. In the name of competition, Scooter’s and Dutch Bros did the same this month! All of a sudden they’re saying things like, “we’re encouraging customers to make more sustainable choices without an added financial burden.”
Yeah, okay… We know the truth is that activist pressure led to the initial win, and now they’re forced to ride the wave that two-tailed green mermaid started. We’ll take this VEGAN VICTORY anyways!
Your move, Dunkin’.
📈 21.6% Increase of Vegan-Friendly Restaurants in Latin America
In a new study conducted by Veganuary and Happy Cow, it was found that there are now over 10,000 Vegan-friendly restaurants in Latin America! This is huge, as in just 1 year, 1,700 more restaurants were added as either Vegan, vegetarian, or Vegan-friendly.
There’s even an entire festival dedicated solely to Vegan tamales in Mexico!
While Brazil took the lead in this study though, this is just more proof that all around the world, it’s getting easier to be Vegan.
📉 Dutch App Gets 73% of Users to Eat Less Animals and More Plants
Fork Ranger is a Dutch app created to educate people on the impacts of their “food” choices on Earth’s climate by providing plant-based recipes to users after they complete short quizzes and read educational info graphics.
After using the app, 73% of omnivores reported that they cut down on flesh intake by at least once a day. If they keep it up, this small win can lead to bigger long-term wins!
🏷️ 1st Cultivated Meat Certifier is Vegan
There’s only one VEGAN VICTORY in the cell agriculture space this month, but it’s a big one.
Finally, we have a way of certifying that a cultivated meat product is nearly up to Vegan standards.
6 months ago, I reported that V-Label became the world’s largest certifier of Vegan products. They’re not done yet. This month, they introduced C-Label, the world’s first certification of cultivated meat products! The only way to get certified under the C-Label is to meet extensive criteria: the use of animal-free-media and the proof that all interventions and procedures, in particular invasive ones, such as biopsies, must be demonstrably necessary, as well as being as painless and stress-free for the animals as possible. No animals are allowed to be killed in and for the entire procurement and manufacturing process!
A landmark VEGAN VICTORY for the history of cultivated meat transparency.
🦊 250+ Coyotes and Foxes Saved From Slaughter
Coyotes and foxes are caught, bred, exploited, and killed for their fur and their urine across rural United States. Their fur is sold for fashion, and their urine is sold to farmers as a product to deter other animals from eating their crops.
Even though this is banned, some operations still exist in the shadows. That’s where the Humane Society came in to liberated over 250 Coyotes and Foxes from this Ohio hell hole.
The victims used to live in filthy wire cages, now they can be seen playing in the snow! I’m happy to end this month with a wholesome VEGAN VICTORY!
To the 31 new subscribers added to our now 418-strong Vegan team, I’m honored you’ve given me your attention. You could have given it to the animals, and you chose to invest it with me. I take it in the highest regard.
If this month’s newsletter uplifted you, please consider sharing it with a fellow Vegan! It’s a free, 7-second, fun surprise gesture of goodwill that will make them see you as their source of Vegan inspiration. I guarantee you’ll be making their day a little more hopeful and our movement a little more positive. :)
Thank you.
Until every animal is free,
Dani ✌️
P.S. Want to help create what could be a next VEGAN VICTORY? I’m writing to the Advisory Committee for the 2025 US Dietary Guidelines so they emphasize plant-based proteins over slaughter-based proteins. Leave a comment with me by clicking here. If you want, you can copy and paste my own comment (comment tracking # m6l-m9xr-2dl8):
I urge you to prioritize plant-based proteins over animal-based proteins in the 2025 Dietary Guidelines. Not only do proteins derived from animals contribute to immense suffering, but they are also a leading cause of the climate crisis, driving deadly weather events through their significant greenhouse gas emissions.
In contrast, plant-based proteins, as supported by numerous meta-analyses, improve health outcomes by reducing the risk of our nation’s top killers: heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity. Furthermore, plant proteins lead to a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions, offering a more sustainable future.
It’s time to shift the focus toward plant-based proteins as the primary source of protein for Americans. Please prioritize them for the health of our nation, for the environment, and for the animals.
LOVE reading the monthly vegan victories, thank you for publishing!