I have a confession: I still have absolutely no idea what I am doing. This is my first year in review. It has lots of head-y data, a little heartfelt personal stuff, and my 2025 resolution. Feedback is always welcome!
When I first started this newsletter back in 2023, I only knew I needed to do something more than just be Vegan for the animals. I planned on collecting data from my actions for animal rights, but in hindsight, I didn’t take that too seriously… Digging through old photos and journal entries, the most information I have is that in 6 of the 12 months in 2023 I did some direct action for animals - mostly in the form of either solo megaphone/picketing protests or Joey Carbstrong style table debates like the one you see below.

Somewhere along the line I heard the quote,
“If you don’t track it, you don’t care.”
Which is a harsher version of the “you can’t manage what you don’t measure” quote I often tell my clients as a Registered Dietitian. It stuck with me, so in 2024, I have a bit more data on how my time was spent towards animal rights.
Spoiler alert: it’s not enough.
Below you’ll find a list of the days I was active, approximately how many hours I was active for, how many strangers I directly held accountable (discussions), and the type of action I took that date.
2024 Direct Actions
2024-01-05 - 6 discussions - 2 hours - Clif Grant style debates
2024-02-02 - 7 discussions - 3 hours - Clif Grant style debates
2024-03-01 - 5 discussions - 1.5 hours - Clif Grant style debates
2024-09-06 - 3 discussions - 45 minutes - 50 zines directly distributed
2024-10-04 - 6 discussions - 2 hours - 150 leaflets directly distributed
2024-11-01 - 4 discussions - 2.5 hours - 60 zines + 50 leaflets directly distributed
2024——— - 31 discussions - 11.75 hours spent fighting for animals
2024 Indirect Actions
2024-08-09 - ~100+ runners passed - 1 hour - beer mile run dressed as Soy Milk
2024-10-29 - ~250+ drivers passed - 1.5 hours - protest against FL ballot #2
2024-11-02 - ~500+ drivers passed - 1.5 hours - protest against FL ballot #2
2024-11-29 - ~500+ drivers passed - 1.5 hours - protest against leather
2024——— - ~42+ stickers placed - 30 minutes - various
2024——— - 3 walls written on - 1.5 hours - various
2024——— - 1250+ people witnessed - 7.5 hours spent “fighting” for animals
In total, I spent 19.25 hours on animal rights activism.

2024 Unaccounted Actions
Considering that this year I’ve played 189 hours of Valve’s new MOBA-shooter, Deadlock, but I call myself an Animal Rights Activist more than a gamer, spending less than 20 hours on activism in a year SUCKS.
But wait… Of course! This total does not include any of the hours that go into making these actions happen. If we account for creating and picking up the banners, driving to the locations, making the zines, getting the ink, obsessing over the optimal paper thickness for them, printing them, cutting them out, cutting cardboard, making the signs (thank you, Lia), buying spray paint, doing recon, planning with team mates, less-formal discussions with non-Vegan friends, and running this newsletter (>100 hours on VEGAN WORLD NOW alone), then yes, I am probably an Animal Rights Activist more than I am a gamer.
2024 Bonus Actions
However, there is one thing I was more of than I was an Animal Rights Activist: a friend. Yes, this is a heartfelt “the friends we made along the way” moment!
In 2023, I had 0 real Vegan friends. In 2024, I have 9!
7 of which I’ve met through doing activism myself, 5 of which have done activism with me, and 2 of which have become my best friends (you know who you are <3). For that to happen, lots of time and energy needed to go into these relationships, and in 2024, that was a trade I was willing to make. :)
2025 Resolution
In 2024, out of the 31 discussions I’ve had, only 1 involved a commitment to Veganism. That’s 0.03%: it’s not enough.
For the animals, I can be more active. I can be more effective. I can be better. If I want to achieve anything great, I have to put in more reps at this.
This week, I am getting inducted to be an organizer for Anonymous for the Voiceless, and I’m hosting my first Cube of Truth this upcoming Friday, 2025-01-03. It’ll be the biggest action I’ve taken thus far, and most of my Vegan friends are helping! :D
My resolution is simple: host one Cube of Truth every month of 2025 and measure the effectiveness of this style of activism. Based on everything I’m learning so far, I have a good feeling about it, and I’m excited to bring these numbers up for animals in 2025.
See you in your inbox tomorrow for the last VEGAN VICTORIES MONTHLY of 2024!
Until every animal is free,
Dani ✌️
P.S. I’ll be posting more essays in 2025 as well. Reply or comment “VICTORIES” if you want to be added to a distribution list that ONLY includes the VEGAN VICTORIES MONTHLY newsletter.
Hi Dany, I love what you do and I am grateful that people like you exist. VICTORIES